From Websters: hol·o·caust:    (hl-kôst, hl-) n. 1. Great destruction resulting in the...
Author - grandmuffti
Wine is fine…
This story would be funny if it weren’t so sad. David Ahenakew, high profiled native...
Two Jews On A Book Cover Cause a Big Fuss
There’s a lovely book we can all learn from called ‘Friends Forever.’ It contains...
Does Pluralism Suck or Not?
Muffti doesn’t endorse this kind of thing, but at least Rabbi Lazar is honest. Rabbi Berel...
Does This Sound Famliar?
Muffti commands: Go read this. Then (re-)read this by our own CK. Compare the content. Then notice...
Non-Shomeret Jewish Woman Pulls off an Amazing Feat!
Muffti has uncovered an amazing story. Apparently, a young Jewish woman who admits to...