An introspective look at the life and death of Shira Banki from family, friends and mourners of...
Author - Guest Post
Israeli? You are a Nazi!
Guest Post by Bracha Arnold Traveling as a Canadian Israeli is interesting. You can always get away...
Rabbis Help Rebuild Tabgah Church
Last week, fire gutted part of the Church of Loaves and Fishes on the shores of the Sea of Galilee...
Israel: What if there’s no coalition by tomorrow’s deadline?
Guest Post by Arieh Kovler The state of play Yesterday, Yisrael Beiteinu rejected the offer of...
Tel Aviv -> Berlin (One way)
If you were to take a sunny afternoon walk around the hip district of Kreuzberg in Berlin these...
Purim: A Sordid Tale?
Guest Post by Sam Shube The scroll of Esther, that most intellectually and spiritually vapid...