Words from the 17th of Tammuz’s penitentiary prayers. “Hear our voice, Hashem, our God...
Author - Rabbi Yonah
LA Mayor to Join Rally for Israel
As the war escalates, Haifa is being targeted, and cities in the north shelter from the rockets...
Beirut Airport bombed
WAR UPDATE Causing delays in some flights, Israel has targeted Beirut International Airport and...
“Where is the Arab Brain?” ask dissident Arab...
Even though Egypt just arrested up to 50 bloggers, they continue to be a thorn in side of the...
War with Hezbollah and Hamas
Israel is now fighting a war on two fronts that it did not start, and what is the reaction of Kofi...
Simply smashing: Israeli wins in Wimbledon
Vera and Ram beat Venus and Bob for the mixed doubles championship in Winbledon. Andy Ram is the...