Sometimes life imitates art. Sometimes life imitates sitcoms. Orange County Register reports...
Author - Rabbi Yonah
YouTube Shuts Down Palestinian Media Watch
How can you show hate without being accused of spreading hate? YouTube has closed down PMW’s...
Kissinger Dissed Soviet Jewry
Newly released Nixon tapes show Kissinger betraying Soviet Jewry. After Golda Meir came for a visit...
Electric Finale to the Festival of Lights
Move over Latka Ball – Chanukah (Honika) Electronica will knock your dreidel off. When Smooth...
The Middle East Problem In 5 Minutes
Prager University boils down the conflict in five minutes to: “one side wants the other dead...
Gelt For Grants: Birthright Israel NEXT, Natan #SOCENT Grants
Do you have an idea for a program or an event but don’t have the gelt to get it off the...