This is why CK will not be representing world Jewry at the Vatican anytime soon. To recap, CK last...
Author - themiddle
Brouhaha over a Nazi armband?
The Fashion of the Prince? I dunno, this seems to be much ado about nothing. The kid apologized...
Michael Chertoff: Homeland Security is Jewlicious?
Eric Muller, a law professor at UNC who publishes the Is That Legal blog, muses whether Michael...
The Pope and Abe Foxman
Haaretz got Abe Foxman, head of the ADL, to speak about his childhood and the tug of war between...
Israel: give us your shekels
Abe Foxman is coming out and publicly stating what many of us already know: the North American...
Russia supporting Syria militarily. Ring a bell?
Many historians consider Soviet machinations to be the at the heart of what prompted the Six Day...