1. “More broadly, the story of the election is the implosion of the center-left and the vivid...
Author - themiddle
Dancing Jews, um, Juice
Everybody thinks Bruno Mars is singing “dancing Jews” instead of the actual lyric...
Pinkwashing: Iran to execute four for “sodomy” while...
Iran to execute 4 for sodomy, using the term for male sexual relations which are punishable by...
Michael Oren Should NOT Apologize to Ahmad Tibi and Here is Why
Tibi should apologize to the people of Israel. They say playing offense is a good defense and Ahmad...
A picture
By sheer accident I came across this photo. It seems like Shimon Peres is speaking to an attractive...
Excellent Prosor Speech at the UN Security Council
Yup, it’s bearded Jewish Man Day at Jewlicious. H/T to IMRA. Ambassador Prosor – myths...