Brought to you by Leadel Live – Yuli Edelstein from Leadel on Vimeo. Are diaspora...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
Lebanon Launches Latest Offensive in Hummus War Against Israel
As far as most wars go, this one’s kind of lame. The soldiers wear chef outfits instead of...
Terry Poison Killed Wendy in Furs
Thanks Heeb. Thanks a lot. Anonymous Jewlicious writer Wendy In Furs sent me a post from her...
Paranormal Activity
Oren Peli taking american fright by storm with his movie Paranormal Activity. I have not seen it...
Ha’Am Eem… J Street? Maybe not.
This evening in Washington DC, many Jewish leaders and their followers will gather for the two day...
The Tel Aviv Mural Project
I love random acts of whimsy! Watch this produced video about a 300 square meter painted...