We’re now in the Yom season, as I call it, that time when at least once a week, for a few...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
MOSHAV and Jewlicious at Israel Festival LA May 3
With so much craziness going on in the world, we have to stick together and show solidarity for...
Leaving the West Bank
"The only thing that can save Israel as a Jewish state is by unilaterally withdrawing our...
King Abdullah of Jordan Being a Schmuck
The man runs a dictatorship that gets hundreds of millions in US Aid, and has a peace treaty with...
Next Year in Jerusalem. Oh and hi…I’m new here.
Hey… I’m the new girl. You can learn all about me from my bio on the...
Durban II: UN done lost its mind, protesters done lost their...
The World Conference Against Racism 2009 hit the apex of ridiculousness yesterday when Iranian...