Okay, this post is really just about an early birthday present that Aharon Horwitz appears to have...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
Ms. Magazine rejects ad from the AJC
Apparently, Ms. Magazine has rejected a pro-Israel add by the American Jewish Congress Commission...
Don’t read my lips
Haaretz reports that any and all forms of Jewish prayer are forbidden on the Temple Mount. Not even...
Ahmadinejad’s Blog
It seems these days everyone has a blog. My Mom does not have one yet, though she’s already...
Kfar-Split: Rami and Rita Go Their Separate Ways
[What, you’ve got a better way to say “Splitsville” in Hebrew?] Rami Kleinstein...
Concert for a Cause
Not busy this weekend in Israel and want to support a great cause? For tickets and details: 077...