…or is he? Avraham Burg had been given every advantage one could have in the State of Israel...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
BlueStarPR scores a direct hit on the UK
Bring your computers and cell phones with their Israeli components, your medications for multiple...
Stop the Presses! I Agree with Kabobfest!
For those of you who don’t know, Kabobfest is a group blog written by Palestinian activists...
Almost 3 Years in Israel – First Day at Jewlicious
I can’t believe it will be three years this October since I made Aliyah. It seems like just...
Our wounds are still fresh and the alarm clock is ringing
Eichmann’s Red Cross issued passport used to leave Italy for Argentina in 1950 surfaced in an...
Love Israel? Try “Love and Israel!”
A few months ago, PresenTense Magazine co-sponsored a performance of an inventive monologue show...