You guys know I see other blogs, right? I mean, I do love Jewlicious, but no need for me to be...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
Ten Jewlicious things to do this summer
10. Post funny videos on JewTube on a trip to Israel with Livnot. 9. Bake Pineapple Challah, string...
The UC Intifada Returns
Each Spring, University of California, Irvine is host to the largest campus-based anti-Jewish...
…and for Tel Aviv, a more conventional birthright israel...
Summer is here and the first round of Taglit-birthright israel trips are arriving (The Jewlicious...
Join Jewlicious and Table to Table for an ALL NIGHT PRODUCE...
Any modern, industrialized society will, for a number of systemic reasons, waste about 25% of the...
Ronald S. Lauder for WJC Chairman
Last week at a meeting with Jewish Students from around Southern California at UCLA Hillel, Edgar...