Dr. Janice Bennett is a clinical therapist, relationship coach, love coach on Jewish dating site...
Category - Jewlicious
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Whilst cruising the Jewish Agency aliyah forums, I came about this interesting theory: WARNING:...
“I will devote the next 4 years to the creation of a...
Newly re-elected President Bush enunciates his administration’s first major second term...
Arafat’s Life II
Nobody does Arafat better than Orianna Fallaci – a left-wing Italian Journalist, author and...
Is Evolution Jewlicious?
Grandmuffti is often amused in America over how, well, ridiculous things can be here. When I first...
Toledot – parsha of the week
1st Aliya: Yitzchak is 40 years old when he marries Rivkah. After 20 years, Esav and Yakov are born...