The Jerusalem Post reports that several American Jewish leaders were invited to meet with the Emir...
Category - Jewlicious
Everything Jewish and Delicious
Berlin Film Fest 2018: Thunderbolt No More – A Revisionist...
“Sluggish” – The Guardian “Underwhelming” – Variety Oh! The...
Researchers At Loss To Explain Who Actually Eats Hamantaschen
“We’re flummoxed,” admitted lead researcher Adi Loyada. Jerusalem, February 20...
Parkland Killings Blanket Jewish and Other Communities in Sorrow...
The most recent American high school murders in Parkland, Florida have gripped Jewish and other...
Sarsour Assures Jews Polish Mass Murder Of Jews Not Systemic
“I am not going to sit here and be dictated to by those who are probably white, male, and non...
OurCrowd 2018: Jerusalem’s High Tech World Parties
The OurCrowd Global Investor Summit was held last Thursday in Jerusalem. An estimated 10,000 people...