Taking our cue from Heeb Magazine and that Kelsey dude, we’d like to point you to an...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
Dov Charney’s Jewlicious Disco Bar Mitzvah Party
Courtesy of Gawker, we get the news that the Houston Street American Apparel store is no longer...
Jewish Theological Seminary: The Sitcom
That’s right. It’s being considered. By NBC. According to the Forward (although we...
A lovely day in Israel
All is well at Jewlicious. Love, The Middle
The Fools at Harvard!
Shotei HaNevuah (Fools of the Prophecy), voted Israel’s most popular band, is going to be...
Natalie Portman, Michael and Israeli Paparazzi
Glamour Magazine writer Laurie Sandell recently interviewed Natalie Portman for the November...