When a Jewish Comedian gets interviewed by a Jewish blogger located in Israel, sitting in Hadassah...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
Jewish Pirate Movie Premiering Next Week at LA Jewish Film...
“Ahoy matey!” or “Oy matey!”? A new short film featuring Jewish pirates...
Memo to the Jewish Media: Billionaire Evan Spiegel is NOT Jewish
Us Jews love it when a member of the tribe makes it big. It’s as if their success rubs off on...
Leonard Cohen dies at 82
Leonard Cohen’s death was announced on his Facebook fan page today: It is with profound...
Philip Roth’s #Indignation Movie Contest
Above is the trailer to “Indignation” a film adaptation of a novel by Philip Roth. The...
Yes. Casey Neistat is a Super Jew.
Casey Neistat is Jewish. So is his wife. So is his daughter. But first, some background. Folks who...