Michael Oren, the historian who is the current Israeli ambassador to the USA, has written an op-ed...
Tag - Michael Oren
UC Irvine MSU Suspended For Multiple Violations
MSU gets a “red card” and are out for one year. Today the Jewish Federation of Orange...
Interesting Fauxtilla tidbits from Michael Oren
Michael Oren, historian and current Israeli ambassador to the US, has written an op-ed in the NY...
UC Irvine Developments, including a hint of hideous speech from...
Mark LeVine, a professor of modern Middle Eastern history at UC Irvine said in 2007, about attempts...
What UC Irvine Students Could Have Heard Without the Muslim...
The night after the debacle at UC Irvine where 11 students, some of whom are members of the UCI...
Ambassador Oren vs. Hamas At UCI
Ambassador Oren heckled and disrupted by Hamas on Campus at UC Irvine. 12 arrested. When will...