This what it looks like when nearly 100,000 Jews gather by the Western Wall in Jerusalem in order...
Tag - sukkot
We’ll Never Love Jesus. Sorry Christians.
Not sorry. I mean we appreciate all the support even while we suspect your motives, dear, dear...
Love, Faith and Sukkot
Our fearless leader ck hit one out of the park with this Sukkot centered Dvar Torah published today...
Sukkot Humbles The Rich, Comforts the Poor, Good Timing for...
As the sun sets on Wednesday, October 12th, the Jewish community begins the Festival of Sukkot, a...
The Shady Deal
Guest Post by Eric M. Danis Around this time of year, I always start feeling like I need a fix...
Lulav Wars
Lest anyone think that I am overstating the animosity towards Jews being displayed by Egypt, Egypt...