moore and seidelWith the Jerusalem Film Festival still running, and the film still on screens across America, a bootleg copy of Michael Moore’s Farenheit 9/11 will be showing at the Jeff Seidel Student Center this Wednesday at 6pm. “Don’t worry, it’s good quality” assured the center’s director when asked about the ethics of bootlegging. Besides, according to Moore, Israel is an epicentre of evil in the modern world. Also most people involved in the center are Americans, whom Moore described as “possibly the dumbest people on the planet.” Between the evil and the stupidity, they’ll be watching the film oblivious to the finer “ethnikal considemerations.” Self fulfilling prophecy – what can you do?

If that’s not enough to bring you in, there will also be a free pizza dinner. Call the Seidel Center at 02 581 2240 for more details. The Seidel Center is located near the campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It offers free high speed Internet access, cheap laundry facilities, a big screen TV, speakers and educational programs to students at the Hebrew U. The Center may also be responsible for the recent 45% increase in foreign student enrollment at the University.

About the author

Laya Millman