1st Aliya: Yakov experiences the famed prophecy of “Jacob’s Ladder”.
2nd Aliya: Yakov arrives in Charan, encounters Rachel, and contracts with Lavan for her hand in marriage.
3rd Aliya: Lavan switches Leah for Rachel forcing Yakov to negotiate another 7 years of service for Rachel. Leah gives birth to Reuven, Shimon, Levi, and Yehudah. Rachel marries off Bilhah to Yakov who gives birth to Dan and Naftoli. Leah marries off Zilpah to Yakov, and she gives birth to Gad and Asher.
4th Aliya: Rachel contracts with Leah for Reuven’s mandrakes, after which Leah gives birth to Yisachar and Zevulen. Rachel finally gives birth to Yoseph, and Yakov approaches Lavan to negotiate a proper salary for continued service.
5th Aliya: Yakov’s uses his vast knowledge of nature and husbandry to amass a fortune in sheep and cattle. After 6 years he decides with Rachel and Leah to flee from Lavan.
6th Aliya: They flee and Lavan catches them. Hashem (G-d) intervenes and Yakov, while confronting Lavan for his years of duplicity, unwittingly curses Rachel.
7th Aliya: Yakov and Lavan separate and Yakov arrives at the border of Canaan.
Some good commentary from Bar Ilan U. here.
A nice article about the themes of the parsha is here.