Idan Reichel was just a kid living in the basement of his parents’ house in Kfar Saba when he bought some equiptment and began the process of forming the Idan Reichel Project, a collaboration with vocalists and musicians whose roots span Ethiopia, Curaçao and Israel – and the results are spectacular. I don’t know if the whole Far East/Rasta look came before or after, but it don’t matter, the song “Bo’ee” has already become such an anthem that an Israeli cell-phone company offers it as an alternative ring. Compiled from Hebrew and Amharic songs, instrumentals, love letters and even portions of the Bible, the Idan Reichel Project is a must have.
Says Mitchell Ginsberg in the Jerusalem Report Magazine:
Reichel’s album is more diverse than just East meets West. Religious texts are read in Amharic with a quivering cello riff in the background; a traditional Amharic song is introduced by a Caribbean-inflected English blessing; and some of the Hebrew songs, which start out as straight-laced pop renditions, culminate in chanting that betrays Reichel’s affinity for the modern-classical Arabic singers Farid al-Atrash and Um Kulthum…
Deeeelicious. Oh, and BTW, I loves you, too.
- Wish Jew Were Here - 5/9/2006
- For your viewing pleasure - 5/9/2006
- Reflecting on Yom Ha Shoah - 4/27/2006
Bin viel in Blogs unterwegs – aber so Vielfältig wie dieser, ist selten einer.
He does only sing on three tracks but he writes and composes every song
I saw Idan perform at the Wilshire Ibell in LA. he was amazing. they put on a great show. i danced with an ethopian chick. word.
I keep an eye for good new Israeli CDs. These stood out and I bought them both. Come to find out, there’s Amharic and Hebrew mixed. Very cool. I studied Amharic for a year so I love the fusion.
yep katza.
Asaf –
I’m pretty sure it’s the Katznelson school, but I’m not sure… There’s apparently an amazing music program there. Does this sound familiar?
it is a known fact that everyone in israel either has family or friend in kfar saba. ok maybe it is not a known fact but thats how it seems to me.
ariela – idan reichel’s sister went to my highschool. what high school did he graduate from?
I’s feelin so loved, yo.
I don’t see the blue stuff, Dave.
Ariela, yeah, I know there’s that controversy, but in my opinion, if someone brings it all together, then they are the axel upon which the project spins – and anyway, what’s in a name?
yoooo… I totally met Idan Reichel outside one of those “videon” thingys (video vending machines) in Kfar Saba. I was like, “Hey, nice rastot” (‘dreads). He smiled, but clearly did not know what to think of the hot American girl (me) talking to the famous singer (him).
Anyway, he graduated from the same high school that my cousin goes to. A big legend… Though many think he’s getting more credit than he should since he only sings on three tracks. Meh, I couuld care less, the album is hott.
Uh… Alli? Why are all your graphics tinged with blue lately? Is it a smurf thing or some kind of bug or what?
I’m placing an order.
Very interesting.
I think I shall create a project and put my name before it. The Esther Kustanowitz Project…I like it…
Just wanted to say that a few months ago our poster Alli gave us a look at Idan. I ended up buying both of his CDs and think he’s great. […]