From Ha’aretz:

According to the final results, Kadima now has 29 seats, Labor has 20, Shas and Likud have 12 each, Yisrael Beiteinu has 11, National Union-National Religious Party has nine, Pensioners’ Party has seven, United Torah Judaism has six, Meretz five, Ra’am-Ta’al three, Hadash three and Balad three.

It is already clear that almost a third of the new Knesset’s members – 39 MKs – will be new to the legislature. The greatest number of freshman MKs will be from Kadima (10), followed by Yisrael Beiteinu (eight), and the Pensioners Party (all seven MKs). Likud, National Union-National Religious Party and Balad will have no new MKs. In Meretz, Yossi Beilin is returning to the Knesset after an absence of one term.

There will be only 16 women in the Knesset, down from 18 elected in 2003.
Kadima will have the most women (six), followed by Labor (five). The National Union-NRP, Arab parties and ultra-Orthodox parties have no women

A majority of MKs in the new Knesset are of Ashkenazi origin: 73 compared to 34 MKs of Middle Eastern or North African origin. The remaining 13 representatives are Arabs, up from 10 in the previous Knesset.

The 17th Knesset will have 34 religious and ultra-Orthodox MKs – nearly 30 percent of the legislature – compared to 30 in the 16th Knesset.

Fifteen percent of the MKs (18) hold Ph.D degrees or the title Professor.
Kadima boasts six, Labor three, and Balad and Hadash have two each.

Fourteen MKs were previously senior officers in the security forces. Among them are an ex-chief of staff (Shaul Mofaz of Kadima), a former deputy chief of staff (Matan Vilnai of Labor), two former Shin Bet chiefs (Kadima’s Avi Dichter and Labor’s Ami Ayalon), and a former Mossad chief (Labor’s Danny Yatom).

Fifteen MKs are new or relatively new immigrants who immigrated 15 years ago or more, like Avigdor Lieberman, but who are still considered olim by the public. There will be only eight MKs who live in settlements – four from the National Union-NRP, three from Yisrael Beiteinu and one from Kadima. Only two MKs live on kibbutzim (Haim Oron of Meretz and Orit Noked of Labor), and one on a moshav (Labor’s Shalom Simhon).

About the author



  • Quote:
    Fifteen percent of the MKs (18) hold Ph.D degrees or the title Professor.
    Kadima boasts six, Labor three, and Balad and Hadash have two each.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Demonstrating the value of advanced degrees….

  • It’s because you wrote target=”_blank with no closing quote mark after the _blank – HTML is a forgiving mistress! And since the error happenned at the begining of your post, the whole thing failed to appear. Let that be a lesson to all of you – it’s fine now.

  • No idea why the post isn’t showing. If one of my Jewlicious colleagues would hit the edit button, you should be able to find the post. Maybe you can get it to show?