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  • yes ari, i think you would be an incredible candidate, especially with your obviously encyclopedic knowledge of chabad chassidus.

    shy guy, so obviously you are pro grouping together. should i be like you or should you be like me?

  • The article did not make it clear if the next leader of Habad must be from the cult/sect itself. Despite the difficulty in admitting this, I believe that I would make an excellent leader. The women, the money, the religious paraphernalia – it’s all there and I would rock it all. On the other hand, I don’t own a single black suit.

  • Not really dirty laundry, but the middle wants to drool over it as such nonetheless. Quite intersting, and refreshing to read an article from Haaretz for once that doesn’t imply that the whole Haredi world is in shambles because of a few historic examples and some anthropology.

    The way I see ‘the Jewish world in shambles’ is from the Pirkei Avot chapter 4;

    “Rabbi Yochanan the Sandal-Maker would say: Every gathering that is for the sake of Heaven, will endure; that is not for the sake of Heaven, will not endure.”

    If any Jewish initiative is for the sake of God, then it will succeed, if it ain’t, then it won’t last too long.

  • The Middle’s idea of fun is reading about the tragedies of his own people.

    “the process of degeneration is] as follows: [First, a person] does not learn [the Torah]; then, he [subsequently] does not fulfill [the commandments]; he then despises others who do [fulfill them]; then, he hates the Sages, prevents others from fulfilling [the commandments], denies the [authenticity of the] commandments and [finally] denies the very omnipotence of God.”
    Rashi, Vayikra 26:15, Parshat Ha’tochaha.

  • Neil, interesting point. This one of the explanations of what the Torah means by “Lo Titgodedu” (Devarim 4:1).

    Literally it means we are not allowed to mutilate ourselves. But Chazal break down the word “titgodedu” as “lo ta’asu agudot agudot” – don’t break up into separate groups.

    Some day we’ll learn. I just hope it’s not the hard way.

  • Interesting reading, for sure. Lack of leadership among Othodox Jews is a major problem.
    “This is part of the process of the privatization that is also happening in the ultra-Orthodox world,” says Assaf. “This world is splitting into an infinite number of groups, none of which can control the other. Even if someone were to issue a boycott ruling, what ability would he have to enforce it?”
    I’ve blogged about this same topic. Once again, we are our worst enemy.