
Reuven Rubin, 1893-1974; On the Road to Tiberias, 1926

A Reuven Rubin painting sells for $287,000 at auction (not the painting above).

Works of masters like Maurice Gottlieb, Abel Pan, Moise Kisling, Marc Chagall, were sold as well as painting by Israeli artists like Reuven Rubin, Mordechai Ardon, Nahum Gutman, Marcel Janko and Yaacov Eisenscher.

Chagall’s Vase of Clay and Vase of Iron was sold for USD 379,500; The road to Galilee by Rubin was sold for USD 287,000; Mimosa by Kisling was sold for USD 276,000; Two donkeys in Ramallah by Gutman was sold for USD 86,250, and Biblical Image by Pan was sold for USD 52,900.


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  • I just can’t decide whether to put it in the living room next to the Picasso, or in the foyer by the fountain, and it’s making me lose sleep at night. Y’know, living the charmed life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be..