Lisa Goldman from Ontheface has a great post about the streets of Tel Aviv and how on Yom Kippur, they are populated by children on bicycles. Make sure to check out the photos by Idan to which she links.
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Lisa Goldman from Ontheface has a great post about the streets of Tel Aviv and how on Yom Kippur, they are populated by children on bicycles. Make sure to check out the photos by Idan to which she links.
ok – obviously i need to go to bed b/c i just linked to the wrong story – but, hey! it’s related! it’s about coke and mentos! i can’t find my “bikes are bad for the environment story” link. the point of the article is that ppl that ride bicycles live longer that ppl that don’t exercise. that means that healthy bike riders use more of the earth’s resources over their lifetime than dead ppl. so, do the earth a favor and smokes some cigarettes and have unsafe sex.
My link didn’t work! Grr! Try here.
Ck, riding bikes is bad for the environment. Really.
A flash mob, but on bicycles. Clever idea! Thanks for the link, Ck.
I had not heard of that before, but I sent the link to some bicycle enthusiasts I know. They said there have actually been some Critical Mass events in Helsinki area too, and that was nice to hear.
I’m glad you all had a good time in Tel Aviv but I am even gladder that I live in Jerusalem. As for reclaiming the streets Finnish, chech out this Web site – – for Critical Mass bike events whereby massive numbers of bicyclists get together and effectively take over the streets as a statement in favor of bicycling and a protest against unneccessary vehicle to bike collisions etc. Bike’s are cool – but not when you ought to be in shul…
Lisa! Lisa! Lisa! As if no one else was in TLV this weekend! 😉
That’s superb, “reclaim the streets” in a very large scale. I wish we had that here too.