Hamas Map (Ynet)

Hamas Map (Ynet)

Earlier today, the IDF unveiled a Hamas map found by a unit of the Paratroopers Brigade in the al-Atatra neighborhood in the northern Gaza Strip. The map is hand-drawn, and depicts the neighborhood being broken down into three color-coded sections. According to Chief IDF Intelligence Officer Brigadier-General Yuval Halamish, “Inside the map, the terrorists also marked sniper positions, as well as the location of roadside bombs, anti-tank bombs and landmines.” They specifically marked civilian cites, such as mosques, gas stations, fuel depots, houses, et al, for use in guerrilla tactics. For example, some entrances to civilian homes were marked with booby traps. In others, dolls or mannequins dressed in military garb were placed in the entrances to draw Israeli troops into the homes, where they would be ambushed and kidnapped. Moreover, next to a gas station, a large explosive device was planted so that if it had been detonated, it would have likely exploded the gas station and injured many civilians. Throughout the three regions, sharp shooter positions were, also, labeled. Hamas uses civilians as shields, and intentionally places their citizens in harm’s way. This map, clearly, testifies to this fact, in no uncertain terms.

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  • Could it be a pizza and more delivery map? Will deliver kassams or choice shaheed belt bombs in 15 minutes or less or the pizza is free!

  • The metaphorical map Hamas will use is that of the Iraqi insurgency, if the conflict gets that far.

  • That is useful for the troops that will be operating that specific area. But it doesn’t work as proof, unfortunately.

    We already know that Hamas is using civillians and civillian buildings as shields or deliberate casualties for propaganda purposes. We hardly need more proof of that.

    The Israel bashers, on the other hand, will only shrug this off as faked and/or Israeli made for propaganda reasons.

  • That is easily the most chilling Family Circus cartoon I have ever seen…