Meet Paul Feldman. He’s a former defense analyst who decided to go into the bagel business...
Author - ck
Belgian photographer Jean Van Cleemput has a new book out called Beluga, which features scantily...
Jewsweek is Jewcy-Licious!
Imitation? Flattery? As you all know, Jewsweek just got more Jewcy. We say Shalom to the inimitable...
Late Night, Old City
I saw Ezra downtown and he told me about a party he was having, so I went. You may recall Ezra was...
Israeli Military Exercises around the world!
Israelis are going to be engaged in Military exercises on two continents. First 150 air and ground...
Icepresso in Jerusalem
So I am sitting at this cafe steps from the fat man’s Prime Minister’s house and...