Another Jewlicious Public Service Announcementâ„¢ As another week slowly gives way with the setting...
Author - michael
The End of Jewlicious Israel.
I regret to inform you, our faithful readers, that we heretics and haters of !@-G-d-@!^_^ at...
Science reveals Stuff about Jewish Genetics
In a study sure to make snotty, self-absorbed Sephardi Jews feel even more inherently superior to...
Right-wing jackasses get down.
Party in Kfar Tapuach: It’s the Joint. If for some reason coming into contact with ultra...
Religious Zionism makes it to 1999.
In the wake of last summer’s disengagement from Gaza, various Israeli media outlets were full...
Ha-Blogs im ha-Golan.
Mobius, Michael and Krucoff make a death-defying, ear-popping journey from Masada to the West Bank...