Of course! It was an asteroid! …Madagascar provides the smoking gun for geologically recent...
Author - themiddle
Speaking of Gays: A Jew Becomes a Christian and Behaves just...
This is a tad confusing, but bear with me for a moment. A Jewish man, by the name of Farber...
Ancient Shabbat
Once upon a time there were wars over this land, just as there were towns and Israelites living...
Revenge is a dish best served really really really cold
Or so I suspect thinks the re-elected senator from Connecticut, Mr. Joseph Lieberman. Not only has...
Another Music Video – Alison Krauss
I was searching for videos by Shmulik Krauss, another great Israeli composer and singer who has...
David Grossman Speaks at Rabin Memorial
David Grossman’s speech at the 11th memorial for Yitzhak Rabin’s death (the English...