#5: C Cup and Up Located on Ben Yehudah street in downtown Jerusalem, Women Only – C Cup and...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
Barenboim – proof that some musicians and actors should...
Forgive the absence of links, but I don’t feel like searching for them right now. Here are...
Disbanding Hesder Units is a Mistake
The IDF announced the impending disbanding of all Hesder units this coming March. Hesder units are...
Natalie gets Nod from Oscar
Jerusalem born actress Natalie Portman received a best supporting actress Oscar nomination for her...
Positive Israeli News – Invention of Silent Cell Phone...
Finally! No more running out of the meeting room apologizing, “I’m sorry, let me get...
The Shame of Israeli Banks AKA Chutzpah in Israel
Just a few days ago, the New York Times reported about Collette Avital’s report on the...