I’m having spiritual issues. It’s Elul again, and I honestly don’t know where the...
Category - Jewlicious
Everything Jewish and Delicious
Passion sells like hotcakes!
4.1 million hotcakes that is! That’s after one day too. Crazy huh? So now we get a mini...
What shall we call this post about how the organized Jewish...
So I was perusing Jewschool, as I often do when I am procrastinating, and I came across an...
Worldwide terrorism-related deaths on the rise
MSNBC reports that terrorism related deaths have been on the rise since 9/11. They documented 2,929...
Intro to Islam 101
What prevents us from seeing that life is not about binary categories? That it’s not just...
10 Days of Penitence
Porn and Penitence DON’T MIX! I was surfing the Web getting info on the upcoming high...