Haaretz reports that President GW Bush gave the ok for a center to be built in Israel in his name:...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
Spontaneous Art — L.A. Style
Activist Jews on Hollywood Boulevard, when confronted with the literal footsteps of anti-Semitism...
“Dai (enough)”
Iris Bahr’s one-woman show, “Dai (enough)” , now playing at the Culture Project...
Borat Was Boring…
…[pause]…NOT! The one thing that everyone can agree on is that this film is never...
Put the Social Back in Jewish Social Action Month (Revised!!!)
Volunteering is totally hot. This month has lots of volunteering options so that anyone can get...
Just When You Thought the Web Couldn’t Get Any...
As if Jewlicious and Jewschool weren’t enough, the word Jew keeps popping up in websites. And...