Just little leftover bits and pieces of things I haven’t been able to fully post about:...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
Talmudic Tips for Better Tots
Using Torah as a parenting guide for non Jews. I wonder if they ever get to that part about stoning...
Dustin Hoffman is an old Jew
Dustin Hoffman’s new film is called Stranger Than Fiction. The film, starring Will Ferrell...
Yo, Gwyneth Paltrow Raps!
Well, not exactly. But Gwyneth did join Jay-Z on stage at Mr. Beyonce’s concert in London at...
Chattering Idolatry
I write lots. In many different places. I don’t cross-post everything that I write–I...
No need for Black Maria, goodbye to the East End sun!
You may remember our chums from Jewdas – that’s cute London slang for “Heeb...