Neil Diamond. Yup, that’s right. He’s got a new CD coming out on Tuesday. Ordinarily...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
Do you live in NY? Vote for Proposition 2 on Tuesday!
Hey! You there, you live in New York? You registered to vote? There’s an election on Tuesday...
Munich Oscar Buzz
Already? Munich, as we have previously discussed, is Steven Spielberg’s next flick. Those of...
The Middle’s Brilliant Solution for the Qassem Rocket...
Everybody knows the drill: Palestinian terrorists set up quick launch pads from which they shoot...
Haaretz reported that Madonna defended her involvement in the Kabbalah Center. It would be less...
Fifty Shekel Resurrected!
I knew that little dipshit drama queen couldn’t stay away. The former Jew rapper found Jesus...