Except for David Kelsey of course. Ubber trendy fashion magazine ZINK ended it’s latest issue...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
Speaking of Terrorists, Natalie Portman…
… is convinced her shaved head makes her look like a terrorist The New York Post recently...
Are you a Diaspora Grrl?
Are you a girl who likes to rock a headcovering, but is unsatisfied with those flimsy little white...
The Ali G of Judaism
Zack Medicoff of The Toronto Globe and Mail writes about Jewish Mayhem, a Web site that features...
Jewlicious in the World Jewish Digest
It’s the world of Jewish Blogs as reported by Sarah Bronson (aka Chayyei Sarah), except with...
This Space For Rent
A Utah woman has tattooed the name of an internet gambling site on her forehead; she sold the space...