Uhm… Yes, this pro-Israel video came out in April. Yes, it’s already racked up millions...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
No seriously, Lady Gaga is NOT a Jewish Agent of the Illuminati
Can you hear the drums Alejandro? Fascist uniforms, sexy nuns, gay fetish wear, sex, steampunk...
Sometimes all you can do is laugh…or make a cheesy musical...
hat tip to Lumpy Grumpy and Frumpy
Live-Blogging the Eurovision
All timestamps are approximates, CET. Five more minutes to go. One of my brothers and I are going...
Can You En(Euro)vision?
It’s rare that Israelis and Germans share a strong passion with Americans generally being...
Pink Time for Hitler
Uh… I mean how are you supposed to react to this image?? Is it offensive to Jews? Gays? Cross...