That’s a nice sentiment, isn’t it? It emphasizes the importance of engaging youth for...
Children and the Media
Media’s presence in children’s lives is totally ubiquitous. Today, children spend...
Group Boycotts Mail Posted With Jewish Stamp?
The American Family Association announced that it will refuse to accept any mail that bears a stamp...
Cinema City Israel’s VIP Service: Is It Worth It?
– You kids out there are probably too young to remember what it was once like waiting for the...
We Are All Political “Experts” Thanks To Social Media
Thanks to Social Media, all young people get to be experts on all political issues! In this fun and...
Middle East Peace Run
For Pat Farmer, a man who has run from the North Pole to the South Pole to raise money for the Red...
Post traumatic stress disorder in Israeli children
Many children are exposed to traumatic events during the course of their childhood. In Israel with...
Smile On Your Brother
Try To Love One Another Right Now Why do bad things happen to good people? I don’t have an...
Where To Go To Find Love
The question “Where do I go to meet someone serious?” is one I often get asked by love...
18 Things Guys Say & What They Mean
What They Say: “Your eyes are so beautiful” What They Mean: I want to have sex with you...