After the great success of last year’s Shabbat Tent at High Sierra, we are going back! Join...
Jewish Lists: What it Says About us
Jeffrey Goldberg’s recent column in Bloomberg, is a very powerful argument for canceling the...
The Singer Uniting Palestinians
Palestinians may be divided over the future, leadership, hummus shops, and politicians, but they...
Immodest Coke Promotion in Israel Causes Problems for Haredim
The Haredim have a problem with Coke. Its position of honor on the tables of the Tishes of...
Laughing All The Way To The Bank
Today, I received my MBA Diploma in the mail. Upon graduating in August 2012, I felt ready to take...
Israel Now in Outright Military Conflict With Syria’s Assad
Latest developments in the escalating conflict between Israel and Syria; Slate’s “Dear...
The Smuggled KFC Story That Went Viral
How did a story of a person that delivers KFC fried chickens in Gaza – via border tunnels...
ShivaWatch: From Rags to Niches
The world lost a beverage innovator, a rags to niches (iced tea) story of an overnight success that...
Eprhyme’s Life Sentence (Pickster One Remix)
Shemspeed affiliate Eprhyme (Waywordwonderwill, Darshan, Boom Selectah) is about to drop his third...
Jewish Peoplehood: Is that even a real thing?
Well, obviously it is a real thing, but what that thing is depends on who you talk to. Almost any...