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  • Well, she married for love, I’m sure she won’t benefit from the amicable divorce. I don’t see her asking for loadsofdosh. Oh no.

  • The chimpanzee ones were great, although they were a little old by the fifth one. My roommate’s comment, though: “A job with monkeys? That’s fricken cool!”

    Which was the MC Hammer one? I don’t remember seeing it (I might have been tending the BBQ then).

    The game was good, though (Go Pats!). It’s nice to see another close Superbowl instead of the 48-10 blowouts they had for a while.

    And I really enjoyed the halftime show. It wasn’t an overly flashy MTV production, it was just Paul McCartney playing some really good music.

  • It was one of the more interesting games recently. And the commercials were pretty good also. The Chimpanzees in the careerbuilder commercials were rather fun. And as my sister-in-laws husband pointed out – it is nice to see that M.C. Hammer (or just Hammer depending on what he is going by now) can laugh at the collapse of his own career. The most ‘distrubing’ commercial may have been the one for the marble – the thought of Dennis Rodman naked in a bathtub is just plan disturbing to me.