That’s the name of the counter-attack the Israelis are launching in response to the Hamas 40 rocket attack on the small town of Sderot.
There are a number of facets to the attack, but a couple include targeting Hamas leaders in their cars (an oldie but always a goodie), operatives and buildings. Another is to simply launch artillery attacks into Gaza. In other words, “you feel like lobbing bombs at us, expect us to lob bombs in return.”
Some people who oppose the disengagement will point to this and say that things are going wrong. I say, let’s wait a few days and see how this plays out. I don’t think the Gaza Palestinians are particularly enamored with Hamas right now.
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true. This time they could have said, I want to see every gun and weapons you smuggled in, if not you are history. Especially w/ the US so consumed w/ it’s internal problems, they could have done something. Then again, there is a theory I have that Israel is not complete, until that time, it will always do stupid moves.
big one? yeah right Damn I dont know what Palestinins could do to ever make Israel launch one sad artillery shell.The Israel of 1967 is as ancient as the Maccabies.
Jobber: not a chance in hell that Israel will seriously respond. Remember Sharon’s pepto bismol slogan: “Ipuk, Zeh Koach” — Restraint is Strength. Olmert already said yesterday that “we will not fall into the trap of retaliation”
Things will get a lot worse till they get better. Thursday night, some Tulkarem terrorists tried shooting Kassam missles towards Hadera, but were killed by the IDF moments before launching them.
So far it is a lame response, and signs are pointing that diplomatically, Israel will look like a fool again. OTOH, this could be the big one.