Free Israel trip

Registration begins Feb. 8th (Tomorrow!)
This is a reminder for those of you who might be interested in going to Israel for free with Jewlicious this summer. Registration begins tomorrow on the Taglit-birthright israel Web site. When registering make sure to select Oranim as your preferred Tour Operator.

Oranim is the leading private Taglit-birthright israel trip provider. People in the office have told me that they expect a mad rush of registrants as soon as registration begins. Consequently, if you or anyone you know, wants to go to Israel this summer, I must urge you in the strongest way possible to register on time. Registration is not a difficult thing – it takes minutes and it does not obligate you at all. Even if you are merely contemplating a free trip to Israel, register now and figure out the details later.

Of course in order to qualify you need to be Jewish and between the ages of 18 and 26 and have never gone on a peer-based trip to Israel. Qualification details are available on the Taglit-birthright israel Web site. Once that’s taken care of and you’ve registered you can count on an excellent trip led by your fave Jewlicious posters and organized by Oranim. What does that mean to you? Well… I can tell you that it will be a trip unlike any other available – featuring hikes in the Negev desert, a visit to Eilat, home hospitality in the Old City of Jerusalem and Jewlicious posters as your trip leaders showing you Israel through their own witty and sardonic perspective. Or something.

So get on top of things yo! Spread the word, prepare, register and then we’ll see you in Israel this summer! Got it? Israel. This summer. For free. With Jewlicious. Hello! can you say no brainer?

birthright israel
this trip is a gift from Taglit-birthright israel

About the author

Laya Millman


  • Yes, it is paid for by American philanthropists. Also some Israeli tax money. But with good reason, see above.

  • Birthright is a good investment. They often come back to Israel at their own expense to study say at WUJS in Arad. The country benefits, net.

    Their view of the country is very positive, life-long, and that matters, and benefits the country in very concrete ways.

  • funny, i thought Birthright was paid for by a bunch of rich American Jews.

  • i can understand why a country have to sponser spoil kids to come visit for free 1.5 milion turist coming to isral paying alot and jewsih kuds that can sponser any visit have to bereamberse by the israeli tax payer

  • yes but the turnaround is amazing. Years ago, the American kids would complain from the first day to the last. I recall hearing a conversation on a bus, wherein one JAP complained about the toilet paper.

    This was when they DID have the soft kind already.

    They complained to their parents to get them home.

    Now, I have friends whose son just finished Birthright, he wants to move to Israel.

    To me, it is a miracle.

  • Duh. But I wasn’t an annoying JAP from Hell, which is of course the dominant subgroup of Birthright attendees (also including to their male equivalent). I came speaking some Hebrew and having ‘nuf respek for Israel. Therefore, I feel I have a right to mock Birthrighters. Or at least the annoying JAP from Hell Birthrighters, which is clearly what JSinger had encountered in the shuk.

  • And especially since a few months ago you were one of them. 🙂

  • Oh man, there ain’t nothing worse than when they bring the Birthright kids to the shuk.

    I should probably stop hating on Birthright kids so much. Especially as in a few months I’ll be in charge of 40 of them.

  • Mahane Yehudah, a few weeks ago:

    Birthright chick: GIMME A 40 OF, WHADDAYACALLIT, GOLDSTAR!

    Shopowner: You want 14 bottles Goldstar?

    Birthright chick: NO, GIMME A 40!

    Me: Ma’am, they have the metric system here.

    Birthright chick: THE WHAT?

    Anyway, it’s good to see that tourism is back, spectacularly.

  • Plus, I hear that Jacob’s taking us all out for drinks in Tel Aviv when we arrive. Or maybe that’s just me.


  • Yay! Everyone – come to Israel. If you do, I’ll be your friend! I made aliyah 11 months after my birthright israel trip and am loving every second of it. But it’s not just about aliyah – these trips are a great way to connect, re-connect or discover your Jewish identity, make some friends and leave just a little bit less naive about Israel than you were before arriving. Plus, Israelis are hot!