And almost no one is voting.

Adding to the often backwards and sometimes Alice in Wonderland-like nature of this country, early reports say this will be the lowest voter turnout ever in Israeli history. Considering that this will in all likelihood be the government to decide the future borders of Israel, and that Israel has traditionally been a country that has prided itself on its high voter turn out, it seems a odd to me, but maybe there is a reason.

We’re all bored.

But as this hilarious article in the New York Times explains, boredom might be just what we need.

Sure, Olmert’s smug. But one look at his face and I’m already yawning. Forty years that man has been in politics and he hasn’t done a single thing anyone can remember.”

“That’s not exactly a reason to vote for somebody,” I said, trying to argue.

“The hell it isn’t,” my father replied. “Listen, we’ve had so many Rabins and Pereses and Begins, people who tried to galvanize everyone with their charisma and energy. None of them ever really managed to bring us peace. I’m telling you, what this region needs is Olmert — someone who’ll bore us and the Palestinians so much that we fall into a kind of stupor. A stupor that’s a kind of co-existence. A co-existence that’s a kind of peace. Forget all that ‘peace of the courageous’ stuff Barak and Arafat tried to sell us. Even a child knows that courageous people go into battle, they don’t make peace. What this region needs is a peace of the tired, and Olmert’s the man to put us all to sleep.”

Read the whole article, it’s worth it.

And if you’re Israeli VOTE!!! It was surprisingly painless for something that happens in Israel and requires a line. I recommend Atid Echad, the Ethiopian Party.

About the author

Laya Millman


  • An Ethipian friend had me convinced that the whole tribe was sick of Israeli parties and planned on voting Atid Echad. They probably stayed home instead. It is really too bad, these elections were the comeback of the small parties. Israelis learnt the danger of giving so much power to one party. Sharon destroyed what seemed like a stabilization in Israeli politics. I doubt that Olmert will form a stable government. It won’t last too long anyways.

  • Maybe everyone is sick of the old fogey oligarchy who all really appear to be one and the same in the end, and are smart enough to not want to throw away their vote on a fringe platform, that’s outrightly admits being tunnel visioned, on an issue without any real clout for most (here comes the bombardment) And Now lets tune into DiGital’s Prayer for Israel (Hashem please bring to power someone in Israel who has a respect for Religion, progressive economic policies,not willing to compromise one more Jewish soul, and does not acknowledge any Govt that outwardly denounces Israel’s govt and or has not taken any steps to show us otherwise… Thank you G-D AM Yisrael Chai

  • Great post and great picture.

    I’m also an Atid Ehad fan, but I took this Haaretz Op Ed into account when voting and went for one of the biggies instead. Even if Atid Ehad makes it in (and it would probably be good for society if they did) they are unlikely to influence the big questions that, as Laya pointed out in her post, are at stake here. I felt like I had to vote strategically for a party and a coalition that would be able to deliver and lead and not for a party that is still boutique.

  • Kol Hakavod for the Atid Echad vote! I’m with you on that one. In 1998 I voted Aleh Yarok and Barak–the PM slot when elections were separate and the party slot hoping for anything to shake up the system a bit–but today, with so much on the line, Atid Echad and their sensitivity to “who is a Jew” and other minority issues can be a good addition to any coalition formed.

    As for the boredom, I’m just as shocked, as is Aharon who links you on BoZ. “Alice in Wonderland-like nature of this country”–nice.

  • My two cents- I voted in the last four elections and it never seemed to make a difference.

    I think the whole system is fucked. Whats the point in voting for someone (Sharon) on a platfrom (don’t give land back) and then he ditches his party and rips people from their homes.

    Too depressing to talk about.

  • dave,

    whats the best email to hit you at, gotta have a chat.


  • I don’t know, three different people I talked to today voted for them, we might be surprised. They don’t need that many non-Ethiopian votes to make it. I think it would be great. 70% of the Ethiopian population in Israel lives below the poverty line, 55% are unemployed. Not cool.

  • Atid Ehad isn’t going to pass the threshhold. If you’re going to vote for a party that won’t pass the threshold I say Tafnit (too bad Shinui ignores its economic platform for its anti-haredi platform and is not going to enter the Knesset).