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  • Sharansky is not in the cabinet. This post is about the make-up of Israel’s newest Cabinet ministers. The Likud sits in opposition.

  • I guess Sharansky is no longer counted as an immigrant….(the last I heard he was included in the persons elected under the Likud party.)

  • @Molten God:
    – It’s right, but the fact that over 50% of Israelis are women…

  • What? No lesbians, vegans, pagans, wheelchairs and circus midgets? I call for immediate sanctions.

  • Sarah, she’s also deputy prime minister. With respect to Arabs, there are representatives in both Labor and Kadima but they weren’t high enough on the part ylists (usually determined by votes and connections) to get access to the ministerial positions.

  • What difference is it if they’re male or female if they’re all lousy at what they do anyway!

  • I wouldn’t have expected any Arabs, since they do not tend to participate in the large parties that win lots of seats and therefore the power to negotiate for Ministries.

    But the shortage of women and lack of immigrants means that neither group has made inroads in reaching top seats within large parties. It’s very frustrating.

    On the other hand, there is a woman Foreign Minister, which is worth as much as several women in less high-profile ministries.