Hizbullah’s television station Al-Manar ran a series of stories on the Web site calling its organizers “collaborators with Israel.”
Here is the opening page of that site:
Living in fear yet infused with hope. Held hostage in their own nation against their will. A state within a state dictating its terms on a sovereign government unwilling and unable to protect its own citizens. They face extortion, kidnappings, threats at gunpoint and religious persecution. A campaign of intimidation aimed at crippling the Cedar Revolution so painfully gained last year after the assassination of a great leader. Sunni, Druze, Christian and even Shi’a; they are the four branches of a strong tree being cut at the base by those who seek its destruction. These are the people of Lebanon, living in the Land of the Cedars, diverse in their faiths yet united by love for their country.
and here is one of the stories:
Personal Account : S.A., Sour (Tyre)
I have lived my entire life in Sour ( Tyre ). I have a good business and I am able to raise my family. We lived through the war and the resistance but times were good until last month.When the war began I wanted to take my family to Saida ( Sidon ). We started to pack our belongings and clothes for the trip when the local Hezbollah approached us and told us to unpack everything and go back in the house. I told him we were leaving, that we were scared and wanted to protect our children. He then flashed his gun at me and ordered me back to my home.
I didn’t want to go back but I had to. I was afraid for my life! We are tired of war. Enough war! I want Hezbollah to leave. If they want to fight for Shebaa then they can go to Shebaa and fight for it there! Not here in my beautiful city.
If anybody knows how to store the stories on that site so that they don’t disappear forever, now is the time to do it. Good luck to its operators and best wishes with regards to their safety.
yup. and they moved the server to hong kong. way to go hizballah!
the site is up right now.