It was a good few days for tidbits, including: I missed the launch party for the 2012 Nice Jewish...
Author - larry
Jewlicious Summer Reads 2: Once a Mossadnik, always a…
A best selling Summer Jewish read is PORTRAIT OF A SPY, a suspense novel by Daniel Silva (July...
Jewlicious Summer Reads 1: Choosing Kugua over Kugel
What are you reading? One of the latest books I read KOSHER CHINESE: LIVING, TEACHING, AND EATING...
And the first gay marriage in NYC today is… a Jewish couple
Sunday, July 24, 2011 is the first day that same gender couples may marry in New York State...
Films: The Summer Jewish Block.. busters
As July nears, so do the Summer Jewish blockbusters. They include: The 31 Annual San Francisco...
NY Marriage Equality Passes: Jewish Backstories
On Friday evening, as the clock hovered near 10PM, the New York State Senate passed a law allowing...