The Brits have left Northern Ireland. They did so because the IRA put down their guns and bombs...
Author - Rabbi Yonah
Jews to blame for Darfur?
This has been edited The killing and genocide in Darfur is not the result of the Muslim government...
L-I-N-D-S-A-Y (Career Suicide)
From one of the stars of Jewlicious Festival 3.0, in Long Beach, Eric Schwartz aka Smooth-E. L-I-N...
Sherwin Wine goes to Heaven
The following is an explanation of my post which appears below. The following is an explanation of...
Post Tisha B’Av ramblings
We survived the three weeks but are not out the hot water. Israel continues to finance...
Peace One Day
Imagine a day where armies pause from fighting, where warring factions have a day of truce, where...