Will they fight? Jewlicious Festival presenter, and undefeated World Champ, Yuri Foreman, will make...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
Richard Silverstein Continues to Spew Bullshit
Such Decrepitude! I know most of you don’t care about Richard Silverstein’s most recent...
White House’s Hubris Not Limited To Israel – Just...
Research? Before a moratorium on commercial whaling was adopted 25 years ago, on average an...
Speaking of the bastards trying to grind people down
UCSD Next in the sights of the BDSD People After the Boycott and Divestment forces failed at...
Hamas: “We Will Make Gaza into Hollywood 2”
Hamas Schalit Video Just a reminder that Gilad Schalit has not been seen by even one Red Cross...
TED in Tel Aviv
There are probably some of you thinking, “Who’s Ted?” Well, TED is not a who, but...