Who? The report from the Jerusalem Post exhibited a certain banality born of the fact that this...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
Later, Gators, says Egypt
From the BBC: To cut smuggling tunnels into the Gaza Strip, Egypt is installing an impenetrable U.S...
Jerusalem: I asked for something to do
Rain IS a Blessing Typical day: woke up around 7am when the sun finally warmed my room, thanked...
Bostoner Rebbe Z”L
The Jewish world has lost a spiritual giant, the Bostoner Rebbe, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Horowitz, who...
Do The Write Thing at the 2009 General Assembly
Guest Post by Luanna Azulay It has been a few weeks since the General Assembly for the Jewish...
A Bracha For Tarantino
I gave Quentin Tarantino a blessing. Let me explain. I had never gone to see a Tarantino film. I...