Ha’aretz is reporting that Jerusalem will be constructing a sukkah made entirely of candy:...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
Arcadi Gaydamak: I WILL be the next Mayor of Jerusalem…
Gaydamak visits Machaneh Yehuda Russian born billionaire Philanthropist, Businessman, Sports Mogul...
Birthright Palestine Tour 1696
What would a free trip to Palestine in 1696 have been like? I’m sure you probably spent many...
Jewlicious Saves Rosh Hashana!
Well, not Rosh Hashana per se. More like food served at Rosh Hashana dinners that requires onions...
Muffti Can’t Say he’s Impressed
with Syrian anti-air craft defenses. From Jpost. Syrian air defenses opened fire on IAF aircraft...
Rule of Law Emerges Victorious
Yesterday, the Israel High Court of Justice ordered the government to reroute a section of its...