Hilary of superjux.com, my favorite blog that can only be viewed in Internet Exploiter Explorer...
Category - Jewlicious
Everything Jewish and Delicious
French Students Run Controversial Jesus Campaign
So was Mary. The Union des etudiants Juifs de France (The Union of Jewish Students in France) has...
Are Those Diamonds in Your Pants or…
Ladies, if Yitzhak Z. approaches you with a lurid proposition, and you find yourself compelled by...
Shabbat Shalom Ya Lech Lecha
Lech Lecha 1 5759 – Abram And God’s Mutual Faith By Rabbi Brad Artson At a ripe old...
Best Pseudo-Anti-Semitic Klezmer Album Title Ever:
Jews With Horns Oh Klezmatics, why you so clever?
Monkeylicious? Porklicious?
Vancouver Muslim leader espouses jihad, calls Jews ‘monkeys and swine’ Canoe.ca...