Greetings, sports fans! Call me Bob Uecker because this post is juuuuuust a bit outside my regular...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
I Fart Therefore I’m Sarah Silverman
Every year, I quasi eagerly await the annoucement of the host of the MTV Movie Awards. It’s...
Alec Baldwin: You Ain’t So Funny, Funny Man
As my husband and I were in the car on our way to work this morning, we listened to an interview...
Subliminal Tackles the Holocaust
Miri Ben Ari on the violin! Israel’s most popular rapper Subliminal released this track for...
“Beat” This…
Hi, my name is Esther K. and I’m your VJ over here at JMTV, Jewlicious Music Television...
Awards Season: Here Come the JIBs
Nominations for the Jewish and Israel Blog Awards (JIBs) are open until Thursday, with wacky new...